+254-758 438 550

University Librarian Message

Ag.Head of Library

Mr. Benjamin Butuk

Message from the University Librarian


The 21st century has been characterized by a hullabaloo of online information in practically all spheres of life. In keeping with this, the library is at the center of research innovation and creativity by supporting users with tailored information resources by proactively collecting and profiling information based on information use trends and requests. The library has continued to expand its electronic resources by subscribing to new databases. To this end the library, through the Kenya Library and Information Services Consortium (KLISC), has brought on board LWW Health Library, OVIDSP (Wolters Kluwer), and VitalSource database. These databases are specific to the newly launched medical programmes in department of medical laboratory science namely community health, medical laboratory science, and nursing. To cater for the information needs of the Murang’a University of Technology TVET Institute, the library subscribed to BUKU electronic database. The electronic resources are accessible 24/7 both on and off campus via MyLOFT – My Library on Finger Tips application. Besides the library offers group and individual trainings to users on how to register with MyLOFT, access and use the electronic resources.  The library collection has tremendously increased following the recent acquisition of core text books for the various schools within the University. Notably, Kiswahili text books, industrial chemistry, journalism and high school text books required for the B.Ed. Arts programmes.

Further, the library continues to receive publications by Faculty and Staff at MUT which are centrally curated weekly in the institutional repository. The upgrade of the repository continues to enhance research visibility of academic research amongst MUT staff. The repository contains 76 books and book chapters, 91 conference/workshops/seminar/proceedings, 34 institutional memory items, 859 journal articles, 4996 past examination papers, 27 speeches and lecturers, 56 Theses and dissertations.  On campus students can access these resources through the recently upgraded Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facilities available on the ground floor of the university library.

The library introduced a postgraduate section to cater for the needs of the postgraduate students.  The section is equipped with study carrels, Wi-Fi hotspots, masters and PhD hardcopy theses, and research methodology books. Furthermore, the library being the custodian if the Turnitin Similarity Checks Application, is charged with the responsibility of assessing the authenticity of publications by postgraduate students. This is done in partnership with all Deans and CODs to ensure publications adhere to the prescribed anti-plagiarism policy.

Besides this, the library in its commitments to providing equal opportunities for access to its resources and services to all users, it has a reserved section for users with disabilities. This section provides reservations and easy access to other special services depending on the user information needs. The physical location of the library is convenient for all users with an accessible entrance and a ramp that can be used to access the upper floors. There are also special customized toilets at the ground floor washrooms to cater for the needs of the physically challenged users. It is important to note as well that the resources and facilities at Mariira campus library have been expanded to serve over 100 students from School of Agriculture.  The library is equipped with more text books in various subjects, study carrels, chairs, computers, and Wi-Fi access points.

In keeping with the university core values of Research, Integrity, Transparency and Accountability (RITA), the library is in the process of acquiring two Distribution Switches, one for main Campus and the other for Mariira campus that will be geared to enhancing internet connectivity for its increasing patron base. Further, the library intends to support users to meet their short and long range information needs by leveraging our services with technology as evidenced by services such as ‘ask a librarian’ real time platform. In its efforts to accentuate library services, it is in the process of acquiring bronze engraved signages as well as increasing luggage area to enhance luggage security.

The Library is composed of several Service Points:

Luggage Area

For safe Keeping of Patron Bags

Information and circulation section

Borrowing and returning of library’s books and answering patrons’ questions are carried out in this section.
 This section also has short-loan books. These books are borrowed to be read within the library.

Newspaper reading section

Physical newspapers are read from here

Computer Lab

Computers in the lab are for accessing e-resources

Study and reading areas

These sections have tables and chairs for Reading and studying.

Opac Station

Used for searching for information on books in the library.

Postgraduate Reading Area

A section in the library where postgraduate students study from

Accessibility Toolbar

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